Welcome to my big list of queer identities!
This is not an exhaustive list of identities! However, there are a considerable number of ones listed here!


Miscellaneous Genders, Labels, and Terminology

Miscellaneous Labels and Genders

Apagender/Gender Apathetic - Someone that does not care what gender they are perceived as—they may or may not identify as a certain gender, but they don’t care what gender they’re seen as

Cassgender - Someone that does not care about their gender identity—they may experience a gender, but they don’t care or feel it is unimportant

Gender Questioning - Someone who is unsure of/questioning their gender

Transgender - Anyone that does not identify entirely as their assigned gender at birth 100% of the time

Transmasculine - A trans individual that identifies with a more masculine gender identity and/or presentation

Transfeminine - A trans individual that identifies with a more feminine gender identity and/or presentation

Transneutral - A trans individual that identifies with a more neutral gender identity and/or presentation

Transneumasc - A trans individual that identifies with a neutral and masculine gender identity and/or presentation

Transneufem - A trans individual that identifies with a neutral and feminine gender identity and/or presentation

Transoutherine - A trans individual that identifies with an outherine gender identity and/or presentation

Transaporine - A trans individual that identifies with an aporine gender identity and/or presentation

Transandrogynous - A trans individual that identifies with an androgynous gender identity and/or presentation

Transxenine - A trans individual that identifies with a xenic gender identity and/or presentation

Gender terminology

Cisgender - Someone that identifies as their assigned gender at birth

Intersex - An individual born with sex characteristics that cannot be classified as entirely male or female

Kenochoric - An umbrella term for genders centered around kenopsia, or the eerie atmosphere of an abandoned place. Includes genders that feel eerie, lonely, vast, genderless, empty, nostalgic, etc.

Outherine - An umbrella term for genders that are unrelated to masculinity, femininity, neutrality, androgyny, and nullity, while still having a distinct gendered feeling

Aporine - An umbrella term for genders that are unrelated to masculinity, femininity, and androgyny

Agenrine - An umbrella term for genders that are genderless/on the agender spectrum

Epicine - An umbrella term for genders that are neutral across masculine and feminine/lack gender distinction


There are many different xenogenders, but here is the main definition and some common sub-categories

Xenogender - A gender that cannot be described through traditional means such as feminine, masculine, neutral, etc. but is instead best described in relation to various concepts or things (such as animals, colours, sensations, etc.) This is typically due to neurodivergency

Colourgenders - Genders that are best described as a colour; e.g. bluegender is a gender that feels like or is connected to the colour blue

Faunagenders - Genders that are connected to animals; e.g. pupgender is a gender that feels connected to puppies—it feels small, lively, and cute

Aesthetigenders - Genders that are connected to certain aesthetics; e.g. spacecoric is a gender that feels connected to spacecore—space, astronomy, stars, planets, etc.


There are many neurogenders for many different neurodivergencies, but here are a few examples
(warning for mentions of self-doubt and dissociation in greyed-out labels—hover/click the greyed-out term to view it)

Neurogender - A gender that is influenced/affected by one’s neurodivergence, mental illness, and/or other neurological conditions

Autigender - A gender that is heavily influenced/affected by one’s autism

Bipolargender - A gender that is heavily affected by one’s bipolar disorder

Bordergender - A gender for people with borderline personality disorder; experiencing gender to varying degrees but lacking a firm grip on your identity due to constantly second guessing yourself

Syngender - A gender that is heavily influenced/affected by one’s synesthesia

Affectugender - A fluid/fluctuating gender that is affected by the individal’s neurodivergence, specifically fluctuating mood, state of mind, emotions, etc.

Vaguegender - A gender that is close to a certain gender, but cannot be pinpointed due to neurodivergency; e.g. a vaguegirl feels close to a girl, but due to neurodivergency can’t exactly determine their gender

Foggender - A gender that is close to a certain gender, but cannot be pinpointed due to brain fog; e.g. a fogboy feels close to a boy, but due to brain fog can’t exactly determine their gender

Cloudgender - A gender that cannot be fully understood due to derealization and/or depersonalization

Cloudfem - A gender that cannot be fully understood due to derealization and/or depersonalization, but is feminine

Cloudmasc - A gender that cannot be fully understood due to derealization and/or depersonalization, but is masculine


Multigender - Someone who experiences more than one gender; they can experience multiple genders at the same time or be fluid between multiple genders

Bigender System - Labels for those that experiences exactly two genders

Bigenderchange - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between

Bigenderswap - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between and only ever feels like one or the other, never both or a mix of the two; e.g. someone who is fluid between a man and a woman feels like a man sometimes and a woman other times, never both or a mix of the two

Bigenderscale - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between and only ever feels like one or the other or a mix of the two, never both at the same time e.g. someone who feels like a man sometimes, a woman sometimes, and a mix other times, but never both at the same time

Bigenderlean - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between and only ever feels like one or a mix of the two, never the othe or both at the same time e.g. someone who feels like a man sometimes, and a mix of a man and a woman other times, but never only a woman or both at the same time

Bigendermix - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between and only ever feels like a mix of the two, but the ratios change e.g. someone who always feels like a mix of a woman and a man but sometimes feels more like a man or more like a woman

Bigenderbldnd - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between and only ever feels like a mix of the two and the ratios change but one always outweighs the other e.g. someone who always feels like a mix of a man and a woman, and the man part always outweighs the woman part, but they can shift in intensity

Bigenderadd - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between. They can be either gender or both at the same time, but never a mix of the two genders; e.g. someone is either a man, a woman, or both, never a combination/mix of the two

Bigendersum - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between. They can be one gender or both at the same time, but never the other or a mix of the two genders; e.g. someone is either a man or both a woman and a man, never a mix of the two or only a woman

Bigenderboth - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between. They can be both or a mix, but never one or the other; e.g. someone who is either a mix of a man and a woman or both at the same time, never just a man or just a woman

Bigenderpair - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between. They can be both or a mix, but never one or the other and one always outweighs the other; e.g. someone who is either a mix of a man and a woman or both at the same time and is always more man than woman, but they’re never just a man or just a woman

Bigendershift - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between. They can be either gender, both or a mix; e.g. someone who is sometimes a man, sometimes a woman, and sometimes both at the same time or a mix of the two

Bigenderside - Someone that has two genders they’re fluid between. They can be one gender, both or a mix but never the other; e.g. someone who is sometimes a man, and sometimes a man and a woman at the same time or a mix of the two, but never only a woman

Bigenderstatic - Someone that has two genders that are static/don’t change

Bigendermeld - Someone that has two genders that are intertwined or mixed together

Bigenderratio - Someone that has two genders that are intertwined or mixed together and one outweighs the other; e.g. someone who is a mix of a man and a woman, but is more man than woman

Bigendersplit - Someone that has two, distinct, separate genders that are not mixed together or intertwined

Bigendersize - Someone that has two, distinct, separate genders that are not mixed together or intertwined and one outweighs the other; e.g. someone who is a man and a woman but is more man than woman

Labels for those that have multiple, fluid (changing)/fluctuating genders

Multiflux - Someone who experiences multiple genders that fluctuate in intensity

Bigenderflux - Someone who experiences two genders that both fluctuate in intensity

Bigenderfluid - Someone who experiences two genders that are both fluid; for example, they might feel like a man and woman one day, nonbinary and a man the next, and androgyne and neutrois the next, etc.

Bigenderfluix - Someone who experiences two genders that are both fluid and fluctuate in intensity

Trigenderflux - Someone who experiences three genders that all fluctuate in intensity

Trigenderfluid - Someone who is fluid between three specific genders; alternatively, someone who experiences three genders at the same time that are all fluid/change

Trigenderfluix - Someone who is fluid between three specific genders that all fluctuate in intensity; alternatively, someone who experiences three genders at the same time that all change and fluctuate in intensity

Polygenderflux - Someone who experiences multiple/many genders that all fluctuate in intensity

Pangenderflux - Someone who experiences all known genders and all of them fluctuate in intensity

Labels that specify how many genders you experience

Bigender - Someone who experiences two genders, either at the same time or fluidly

Trigender - Someone who experiences three genders, either all at the same time or fluidly

Quadgender - Someone who experiences four genders, either all at the same time or fluidly

Quintgender - Someone who experiences five genders, either all at the same time or fluidly

Polygender - Someone who experiences multiple/many genders, either all at the same time or fluidly

Pangender - Someone who experiences all genders

Omnigender - Someone who experiences almost, but not quite all genders; alternatively, someone who experiences all genders, but treats them/experiences them as one gender

Labels that specify which genders you experience

Bingender - Someone who identifies as both of the binary genders (man and woman)

Mafuenagender - A gender that is mostly androgynous, but is also a little bit feminine and/or masculine

Pleruandrogyne - Someone who has multiple genders, but an androgynous gender is the most prominent, strongest, and/or takes up the most space

Multixenic - Someone who has multiple genders that are all/mostly xenic/xenogenders

Feminull - Someone who identifies as both a woman and gendernull (the un-existance of gender; a non-existent but still present absence of gender) or partly gendernull, partly a woman

Virnull - Someone who identifies as both a man and gendernull (the un-existance of gender; a non-existent but still present absence of gender) or partly gendernull, partly a man

Nullenby - Someone who identifies as both nonbinary and gendernull (the un-existance of gender; a non-existent but still present absence of gender) or partly gendernull, partly nonbinary

Neutranull - Someone who identifies as both neutrois/gender neutral and gendernull (the un-existance of gender; a non-existent but still present absence of gender) or partly gendernull, partly neutrois/gender neutral

Androgynull - Someone who identifies as both androgyne and gendernull (the un-existance of gender; a non-existent but still present absence of gender) or partly gendernull, partly androgyne

Xenull - Someone who identifies as both xenic and gendernull (the un-existance of gender; a non-existent but still present absence of gender) or partly gendernull, partly xenic

Feminavoid - Someone who identifies as both a girl/woman and gendervoid (the absence of gender; a void where a gender should be) or partly gendervoid, partly a girl/woman

Virvoid - Someone who identifies as both a boy/man and gendervoid (the absence of gender; a void where a gender should be) or partly gendervoid, partly a boy/man

Enbyvoid - Someone who identifies as both nonbinary and gendervoid (the absence of gender; a void where a gender should be) or partly gendervoid, partly nonbinary

Neutravoid - Someone who identifies as both neutrois/gender neutral and gendervoid (the absence of gender; a void where a gender should be) or partly gendervoid, partly neutrois/gender neutral

Mesovoid - Someone who identifies as both androgyne and gendervoid (the absence of gender; a void where a gender should be) or partly gendervoid, partly androgyne

Outhervoid - Someone who identifies as both outherine (non-neutral, non-masculine, non-feminine) and gendervoid (the absence of gender; a void where a gender should be) or partly gendervoid, partly outherine

Xenovoid - Someone who identifies as both xenic and gendervoid (the absence of gender; a void where a gender should be) or partly gendervoid, partly xenic

Girl+ - Someone who identifies entirely as a girl/woman, plus another gender/genders

Plerugirl - Someone who has multiple genders but a feminine gender is the most prominent, strongest, and/or takes up the most space

Femmegender - Someone who experiences two or more genders that are all feminine-aligned

Multifeminine - Someone that has multiple genders that are all/mostly feminine

Faeian/Doeian - Someone who experiences multiple, non-masculine genders at the same time

Yukirangender - A gender that is mostly feminine, but is also a little bit masculine and/or androgynous

Pangenderfin - Someone who experiences all feminine genders at the same time

Pangenderfae - Someone who experiences all non-masculine genders at the same time

Excemasle - Someone who experiences all genders except for a binary man/boy/male

Boy+ - Someone who identifies entirely as a boy/man, plus another gender/genders

Pleruboy - Someone who has multiple genders but a masculine gender is the most prominent, strongest, and/or takes up the most space

Maline - Someone who experiences two or more genders that are all masculine-aligned

Multimasculine - Someone that has multiple genders that are all/mostly masculine

Faunian - Someone who experiences multiple, non-feminine genders at the same time

Kaochisagender - A gender that is mostly masculine, but is also a little bit feminine and/or androgynous

Pangendermin - Someone who experiences all masculine genders at the same time

Pangenderfaun - Someone who experiences all non-feminine genders at the same time

Excemesle - Someone who experiences all genders except for a binary woman/girl/female

Florian - Someone who experiences multiple, non-masculine, non-feminine genders at the same time

Pangenderflor - Someone who experiences all non-masculine, non-feminine genders at the same time

Excemelle - Someone who experiences all genders except for a binary woman/girl/female and a binary man/boy/male

Plerunonbinary - Someone that has multiple genders, but a non-binary gender is the most prominent, strongest, and/or takes up the most space

Pleruneutrois - Someone that has multiple genders, but a neutral gender is the most prominent, strongest, and/or takes up the most space

Multineutral - Someone that has multiple genders that are all/mostly neutral

Pangendernin - Someone who experiences all neutral genders at the same time

Genderless/Agender Spectrum Genders

Genderless - The state of not having a gender or experiencing a complete lack of gender

Agender - Someone who lacks/does not have a gender; alternatively, someone that has a neutral/null gender

Aboy - Someone who is agender but fine with being perceived as masculine/a boy/man

Agirl - Someone who is agender but fine with being perceived as feminine/a girl/woman

Bxy - Someone who is both agender and a boy/man

Gxrl - Someone who is both agender and a girl/woman

Apogender - Someone who has no gender and is entirely removed from the concept of gender; someone who has no connection to gender whatsoever

Gendernull - The absence of gender; an intangible and undefinable un-existence of gender

Gendervoid - The absence of gender; a blank space or void where a gender a gender is supposed to be

Voidboy - A gender that is filled with a void, but still related to masculinity

Voidgirl - A gender that is filled with a void, but still related to femininity

Greygender - A gender that is weak, undefinable, and/or rarely felt

Sparkgender - Someone who is almost always agender, but experiences short “bursts”/“sparks” of gender

Libragender - A gender that is mostly agender/genderless but has a slight connection to gender

Librafluid/Agenderflux - A gender that is mostly agender/genderless but has a slight connection to a gender that changes

Genderblank - Someone whose gender can only be described as a blank/empty space

Blankgirl - A girl/woman who cannot explain their girlhood/womanhood other than it being a blank space

Blankboy - A boy/man who cannot explain their boyhood/manhood other than it being a blank space

Blanknonbinary - A nonbinary individual who cannot explain their non-binary gender other than it being a blank space

Blankandrogyne - An androgyne individual who cannot explain their androgyny other than it being a blank space

Neutrablank - A Neutrois individual who cannot explain their gender neutrality other than it being a blank space

Xenoblank - A xenic individual who cannot explain their xenic identity other than it being a blank space

Nixic/Nixgender - Any gender that has both genderless and gendered aspects

Nixvir - A gender that is both genderless and masculine

Nixera - A gender that is both genderless and feminine

Nixangi - A gender that is both genderless and androgynous

Epinixene - A gender that is both genderless and epicine (neutral across masculinity and femininity)

Pronixvir - A gender that is both genderless and proxvir (near male but separate/different)

Nijuxera - A gender that is both genderless and juxera (near female but separate/different)

Nixavire - A gender that is both genderless and femache (simultaneously male and female)

Genders that are fluid or fluctuating

Genderfluid - A gender that is fluid/changes over time

Librafluid/Agenderflux - A gender that is mostly agender (no gender or a null/neutral gender) but has a slight connection to another gender that is fluid/changes

Demifluid - A gender that is partially static (does not change) and partially fluid (does change); e.g. a demifluid boy is always partially a boy and is partially a different, fluid (changing) gender

Parafluid - A gender that is mostly fluid but has a small proportion of gender that is static/doesn’t change; e.g. a parafluid girl is mostly genderfluid but always feel slightly a girl

Alexigender - Someone who knows their gender is fluid/changes but never knows exactly what gender they are at any given time

Condigender - A gender that is only felt under certain circumstances; e.g. a condigirl only feels like a girl under certain circumstances

Lunagender - A gender changes in a consistent cycle; e.g. a gender that cycles between being a girl one week, a boy the next week, and nonbinary the next week and then repeats the cycle

Mutogender - A gender that changes because in response to a certain situation; e.g. a gender that changes depending on the individual’s emotions, the time of day, etc.)

Genderflux - A gender that fluctuates in intensity; e.g. girlflux - someone who feels like a girl to varying extents; sometimes fully a girl, sometimes partially a girl, sometimes agender (no gender or neutral/null gender)
(-flux can be added at the end of any gender identity to make it a flux gender)

Demigenderflux - A gender that fluctuates between a demigender and agender; a gender that fluctuates but is at most demigender; e.g. demigirlflux - someone who fluctuates between demigirl and agender; someone who feels fluctuating amounts of being a girl, but at most feels like a demigirl (partially a girl)

Paraflux - A gender that fluctuates between a paragender and agender; a gender that fluctuates but is at most paragender; e.g. paragirlflux - someone who fluctuates between a girl and agender; someone who feels fluctuating amounts of being a girl, but at most feels like a paragirl (mostly, but not entirely, a girl)

Demiflux - A gender that is partially static (does not change) and partially fluctuating (changes in intensity); e.g. a demiflux boy is always partially a boy and is partially a different, fluctuating (changing in intensity) gender

Cassflux - Someone who feels as if their gender is unimportant to fluctuating extents or feels fluctuating connection to their gender identity

Fluidflux - A gender that is fluid (changes) and fluctuates (changes in intensity)

Demifluix/Demifluidflux - A gender that is partially static (does not change) and partially fluid (changes) and fluctuating (changes in intensity); e.g. a demifluix boy is always partially a boy and sometimes partially girlflux, sometimes partially nonbinaryflux, etc.

Parafluix/Parafluidflux - A gender that is slightly static (does not change) and mostly fluid (changes) and fluctuating (changes in intensity); e.g. a parafluix boy is mostly fluidflux but is always slightly a boy

Emotugender - A gender that changes or fluctuates in response to the individual’s mood, emotions, and/or state of mind; e.g. a gender that feels like a boy when happy, a girl when sad, and agender when neutral

Genderfluid Fragment Gender System (GFFGS) - A system of genders for those that are only fluid between a few, specific genders, not all of them(All of these identities can be used as demifluid, demifluix, fluidflux, etc. identities as well)

Fae/Doe Root

Genderfae/Genderdoe - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-masculine genders

Genderund - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-masculine genders and the genders involved are confusing and/or hard to describe

Genderselkie - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-masculine genders and specifically includes xenogenders

Genderkirin - A gender that is fluid between all/most non-masculine genders and experiences feminine genders the most often

Genderkilen - A gender that is fluid between all/most non-masculine genders and experiences outherine/abinary (non-masculine, non-feminine, non-androgynous, non-neutral, non-xenic) genders the most often

Genderqilin - A gender that is fluid between all/most non-masculine genders and experiences xenic genders/xenogenders the most often

Genderkylan - A gender that is fluid between all/most non-masculine genders and experiences genderless/agender-spectrum genders the most often

Genderkeilun - A gender that is fluid between all/most non-masculine genders and experiences neutral genders the most often

Genderfaer/Genderdoer - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy

Genderselkier - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and specifically includes xenogenders

Genderfirn - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and experiences feminine genders the most often

Gendermirn - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and experiences masculine genders the most often

Gendernirn - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and experiences neutral genders the most often

Genderlirn - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and experiences androgynous genders the most often

Genderxirn - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and experiences xenic genders/xenogenders the most often

Faun Root

Genderfaun- A gender that is fluid between any/all non-feminine genders

Gendergryph - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-feminine genders and the genders involved are confusing and/or hard to describe

Gendersatyr - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-feminine genders and specifically includes xenogenders

Gendergilen - A gender that is fluid between all/most non-feminine genders and experiences masculine genders the most often

Genderfaunet - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary female/woman/girl

Gendersatyret - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary female/woman/girl and specifically includes xenogenders

Flor Root

Genderflor - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-feminine and non-masculine genders

Gendersylph - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-feminine and non-masculine genders and specifically includes xenogenders

Genderfloret - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-masculine genders except binary female/woman/girl

Gendersylphet - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-masculine genders except binary female/woman/girl and specifically includes xenogenders

Genderfloretten - A gender that is fluid between any/all feminine genders up to, but not including, binary female/woman/girl, partially masculine genders, and non-masculine/feminine genders

Genderflorer - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-feminine genders except binary male/man/boy

Gendersylpher - A gender that is fluid between any/all non-feminine genders except binary male/man/boy and specifically includes xenogenders

Genderflorent - A gender that is fluid between any/all masculine genders up to, but not including, binary male/man/boy, partially feminine genders, and non-masculine/feminine genders

Genderfloren - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and binary female/woman/girl

Gendersylphen - A gender that is fluid between any/all genders except binary male/man/boy and binary female/woman/girl and specifically includes xenogenders

Flick Root

Genderflick - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum genders

Genderflicket - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum genders and feminine genders except binary female/woman/girl

Genderflickette - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum genders and feminine genders, including binary female/woman/girl
(no flag available)

Genderflicker - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum genders and masculine genders except binary male/man/boy

Genderflickeur - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum genders and masculine genders, including binary male/man/boy
(no flag available)

Genderflicke - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum genders and any other non-feminine, non-masculine genders

Genderflickex - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum genders and xenogenders

Genderflicken - A gender that is fluid between any/all genderless/agender-spectrum, masculine, feminine, and neutral genders except binary female/woman/girl, binary male/man/boy, and nonbinary (as a gender identity on its own, not as a descriptor)

Fruct Root

Genderfruct - A gender that is fluid between any/all feminine, masculine, and non-binary genders

Genderspirit - A gender that is fluid between any/all feminine, masculine, and xenic genders/xenogenders

Genderfrict - A gender that is fluid between any/all feminine, masculine, and non-binary genders and femininity is amplified; non-feminine genders are felt weakly, rarely, and/or vaguely

Genderfrect - A gender that is fluid between any/all feminine, masculine, and non-binary genders and masculinity is amplified; non-masculine genders are felt weakly, rarely, and/or vaguely

Genderfroct - A gender that is fluid between any/all feminine, masculine, and non-binary genders and unaligned/nonbinary genders are amplified; masculine and feminine genders are felt weakly, rarely, and/or vaguely

Frith Root

Genderfrith - A gender that is fluid between any/all masculine and feminine genders

Genderfrithet - A gender that is fluid between any/all masculine and feminine genders except a binary female/woman/girl

Genderfrither - A gender that is fluid between any/all masculine and feminine genders except a binary male/man/boy

Genderfrithen - A gender that is fluid between any/all masculine and feminine genders except a binary male/man/boy or binary female/woman/girl

Miscellaneous Root

Gendersaros/Fluandrogyne - A gender that is fluid between any/all androgynous genders

Genderfyun- A gender that is fluid, but never experiences non-binary nor binary genders; e.g. a gender that is fluid between agender-spectrum and/or outherine genders

Genderflir - A fluid/changing gender that is mainly a woman and/or feminine, but can experience all genders

Genderfloy - A fluid/changing gender that is mainly a man and/or masculine, but can experience all genders

Genderflight - An ever-changing gender that is always connected to nature in some way

Binary Genders

- Boy/Man/Male
- Girl/Woman/Female

Non-binary/Genderqueer Genders

Nonbinary - A gender that is not exclusively, 100% binary (a man/boy/male or a woman/girl/female)

Genderqueer - A gender that feels “queer” or otherwise a non-normative experience with gender

Xoy - A non-binary boy/man

Xirl - A non-binary girl/woman

Abinary - Any gender that is not male, masculine, female, feminine, or anything in between the two, but is not necessarily genderless

Boyqueer - A genderqueer boy/man

Girlqueer - A genderqueer girl/woman

Aporagender - A third gender; a gender that is not a man, woman, or anything in between but still has a strong, gendered feeling

Maverique - A gender that is not male, female, neutral, or anything in between; an unorthodox sense of gender but still a gendered feeling

Epicine - A lack of gender distinction; a gender that is neutral across masculinity and femininity

Neutrois - A neutral or null gender

Androgyne - A gender that is both man and woman, or both masculine and feminine, or between man and woman, or is androgynous

Femache - A gender that is both male/man and female/woman

Neoboy - A gender that is connected to masculinity in a different way than most boys/men; alternatively, a non-binary boy/man; alternatively, a “new”/“different” type of boy/man

Neomasculine/neoguy - A gender that is connected to masculinity in a non-traditional way or in a different way than men are

Neogirl - A gender that is connected to femininity in a different way than most girls/women; alternatively, a non-binary girl/woman; alternatively, a “new”/“different” type of girl/woman

Neofeminine/neogal- A gender that is connected to femininity in a non-traditional way or in a different way than women are

Proxvir - A gender that is near male, but something entirely separate/on its own

Juxera - A gender that is near female, but something entirely separate/on its own

Juxtaneu - A gender that is near epicene/neutrois, but something entirely separate/on its own; alternatively, a gender that is connected to epicenity/neutrality, but is different from epicene/neutrois

Proxangi - A gender that is near androgyne, but something entirely separate/on its own; alternatively, a gender that is connected to androgyny, but different from androgyne

Demigender - A gender that is partially one gender and partially another; e.g. a demiboy is someone who is partially a boy/man and partially another gender

Paragender - A gender that is mostly one gender and partially another; e.g. a paraboy is someone who is mostly a boy/man and partially another gender

Hemigender - A gender that is exactly half one gender and half another; e.g. a hemiboy is someone who is 50% boy/man and 50% another gender

Themisgender - A gender that is partially (1-49%) one gender; e.g. a themismasculine person is someone whose gender is partially masculine, but not half or more masculine

Libragender - A gender that is partially one gender but mostly agender (a lack of gender or null/neutral gender); e.g. a libramasculine person is someone whose gender is partially masculine, but mostly agender

Pixelgender - A gender that is the smallest bit one gender but mostly something else; e.g. a pixelboy is someone who is a tiny bit of a boy, but mostly another gender

Centrigender - A gender that is centered between two (or more) different genders

Centrangi - A gender that is centered in the middle of or is in between man and woman

Androx - A gender that is in between male/man/boy and androgyne

Gynx - A gender that is in between female/woman/girl and androgyne

Neutrangi - A gender that is in between neutral and androgyne

Neutromme - A gender that is in between neutral and male/man/boy

Neutremme - A gender that is in between neutral and female/woman/girl

Galactian Alignment System - A gender system for non-binary individuals to describe their genders without using words like “female-aligned”, “man-aligned”, etc.

Aurorian - Someone who is fluid between different alignments

Lunarian - Someone who is feminine-aligned

Selenian - Someone who is woman-aligned but not necessarily feminine-aligned

Artemian - Someone who is feminine-aligned but not necessarily woman-aligned

Solarian - Someone who is masculine-aligned

Helian - Someone who is man-aligned but not necessarily masculine-aligned

Phoebian - Someone who is masculine-aligned but not necessarily man-aligned

Calypsian - Someone who is androgynous-aligned

Stellarian - Someone who is neutral-aligned or unaligned

Spacialian - Someone who is xenic-aligned

Andromedarian - Someone who is genderqueer-aligned

Voidrian - Someone who is kenochoric (a gender that feels eerie, foggy, liminal, or disconnected) aligned

Centriversian - Someone who is centrigender (a gender that is centered between two or more genders) aligned

Omniversian - Someone who is pangender-aligned or experiences all alignments

Boötian - Someone who is agender-aligned or experiences no/a lack of alignment

Singularian - Someone who rejects all ties to any alignment

Eclipsian - Someone who is both lunarian and solarian (feminine-aligned and masculine-aligned)

Nebularian - Someone who is both lunarian and stellarian (feminine-aligned and neutral-aligned)

Cometian - Someone who is both lunarian and spacialian (feminine-aligned and xenic-aligned)

Novarian - Someone who is both solarian and stellarian (masculine-aligned and neutral-aligned)

Pistolian - Someone who is both solarian and spacialian (masculine-aligned and xenic-aligned)

Phoenixian - Someone who is both stellarian and spacialian (neutral-aligned and xenic-aligned)

Galaxian - Someone who is lunarian, solarian, and stellarian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, and neutral-aligned)

Meteorian - Someone who is lunarian, solarian, and spacialian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Penumbrian - Someone who is lunarian, stellarian, and spacialian (feminine-aligned, neutral-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Annulian - Someone who is solarian, stellarian, and spacialian (masculine-aligned, neutral-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Novirian - Someone who is a binary man, non-binary man, and nonbinary

Siderealian - Someone who is lunarian, solarian, stellarian, and spacialian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, neutral-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Universian - Someone who is lunarian, solarian, stellarian, spacialian, and singularian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, neutral-aligned, xenic-aligned, and rejecting alignments)

Duskian - Someone who is partially lunarian (feminine-aligned)

Dawnian - Someone who is partially solarian (masculine-aligned)

Celestian - Someone who is partially stellarian (neutral-aligned)

Atmosian - Someone who is partially spacialian (xenic-aligned)

Xuangian - Someone who is partially boötian (agender-aligned)

Quasarisian - Someone who is partially voidrian (kenochoric-aligned)

Eventian - Someone who is partially singularian (rejecting all alignments)

Twilightian - Someone who is partially eclipsian (feminine-aligned and masculine-aligned)

Equinoxian - Someone who is partially nebularian (feminine-aligned and neutral-aligned)

Wanian - Someone who is partially cometian (feminine-aligned and xenic-aligned)

Solstian - Someone who is partially novarian (masculine-aligned and neutral-aligned)

Waxian - Someone who is partially pistolian (masculine-aligned and xenic-aligned)

Hafian - Someone who is partially phoenixian (neutral-aligned and xenic-aligned)

Constellian - Someone who is partially galaxian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, and neutral-aligned)

Umbrian - Someone who is partially meteorian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Duenixian - Someone who is partially penumbrian (feminine-aligned, neutral-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Daenixian - Someone who is partially annulian (masculine-aligned, neutral-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Synodian - Someone who is partially siderealian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, neutral-aligned, and xenic-aligned)

Vialactian - Someone who is partially universian (feminine-aligned, masculine-aligned, neutral-aligned, xenic-aligned, and rejecting alignment)